ForeSight Medical

Development of a brand for coast-to-coast market entry, including its suite of products changing the way the medical billing and cost containment industry works.

Within the world of Medical Billing, lies a cateogry called Cost Containment. Enter ForeSight. Traditional bill review processes largely apply only the very basic review and reduction edits when implants are involved. This is widely due to a lack of experience and specific knowledge related to the actual product acquisition costs, procedure level billing details, and the inability to defend more reasonable reimbursement reductions associated with these types of surgical billings. Provider billing practices and multifaceted state regulations exacerbate the problem. As such, most claims are subject to arbitrary valuations leading to significant overpayment and financial waste.

ForeSight provides these additional savings by applying years of very specific experience, a dynamic database of market-level implant acquisition information, and firsthand insight into abusive billing practices that go relatively unchecked today.

Our team redesigned the entire brand platform, including logo, products, sales materials, graphics, and flowcharts.


What we’ve done

  • advertising
  • branding
  • design
  • web and digital

have a look